Vitamin B-7 :function , source , intake , deficiency , use.


 Vitamin B-7 [Biotin]

Vitamin B 7 is also called biotin , the human body can not synthesis biotin . Biotin is co enzyme involve in metabolism of fatty acid is a type of molecule found in fat and oil . Biotin is eliminate through urine.


*Biotin is important in helping the body to process of glucose and to metabolism fat , carbohydrates and protein it also help transfer of CO₂ .

*According European food safety authority biotin contribute to nutrients metabolism .

*Maintaining hair , skin , mucus membrane .

*Nervous system function.

*Psychological function.

*Biotin contribute to healthy nail skin and hair so it is widely cosmetic industry.

*It play main role of controlling diabetes .

*It is maintain glucose on diabetes patient.

In take

0 to 6 month.                                 5 mcg/day

7 to 12 month.                               6 mcg/day

1 to 3 year.                                     8 mcg/day

4 to 8 year.                                    13 mcg/day

9 to 14 year.                                  20 mcg/day

14 to 18 year.                                25 mcg/day

19 to above.                                  30 mcg/dat      

Pregnant and 
Breast feeding woman.              35 mcg/day

Deficiency of vitamin B 7

Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is following -

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Hair loss

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Red rashes around the eyes and nose 

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Crack the cornar of mouth

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Dry eyes

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Loss appetite

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Depression

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Insomnia

*Deficiency of vitamin B 7 is Hallucination


Vitamin B 7 have high amount include such like liver , peanut , east , bread , egg yolk , mushroom , cauliflower , banana , pork , salmon.


*It is used as anti conversant method.

*It is used in some types of liver disease.


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