Vitamin B-6 :Type , function , source , disorder and dose


 Vitamin B-6 [Pyridoxine]

Vitamin B 6 is alsi called pyridoxine . It is a water soluble vitamin which means it dissolve in water it not stored in body and it is excreted in the urine so need to take in vitamin B 6 every day it is part of family of   b complex. 





Roll & Function

It is involved in RBC formation as well as energy and amino acid metabolism. It is also required for the release of glucose from food.

*This vitamin is most important for deficiency can lead to permanent nerve damage .

*Other function of pyridoxine include protein and glucose metabolism and the manufacturing of hemoglobin .

*It may help boost brain performance.

*It is to insure the normal functioning of digestive enzyme that breakdown food.

*Keep healthy skin.

In take

0 to 6 month                                 0.1 mg

7 to 12 month.                              0.3 mg

1 to 3 year.                                   0.5 mg

4 to 8 year.                                   0.6 mg

9 to 13 year.                                 1.0 mg
14 to 18 year.                               1.3 mg

19 to 50 year.                               1.3 mg

50 to above.                                 1.7 mg

Pregnant women.                       1.9 mg


The following good source are as follows

   Carrot , fish , milk , potato , brown rice , whole grain , vegetables juice , cocktail   , turkey bird , soyabean.


Vitamin B 6 is rare but they may occur if the individual has poor intestinal absorption , taking estrogen , steroids , anti convalescent (epilepsy ) and other medication such like narcotics and long term access amount of alcohol consumption may required in B 6 deficiency . 
         Some of vitamin B 6 deficiency are include

*Weak immune system






*Inflammation of tongue and cracking of lips


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