Hydrochloric Acid or Muriatic Acid : physical and chemical property , preparation , uses , incompatibility


 Hydrochloric Acid 


 Hydrochloric acid is also known as muriatic acid. Hydrochloric acid is solution of hydrogen chloride. Hydrochloric acid has a distinctive pungent smell. it is classified as strongly acidic.  it can attack the skin over a wide composition range.


Concentrated sulphuric acid and sodium chloride heated in cost iron pan  then HCl gas liberated . 

NaCl + H₂SO₄ → HCl + Na₂SO₄

Hydrochloric gas has collected in a chamber where cold water is sprayed cover the gas. the dilute acid obtained.

By synthesis 

Large amount of hydrogen and chlorine gases are obtained as by product by electrolysis of NaCl solution during the manufacture or caustic soda . these cash are drilled and combined to produce HCl.
Gas →collected→ spray →cold water →solution of dilute acid in tank 

Physical property

It is a colourless solution has a highly pungent order it is available in many different concentration in water thus its exact physical property (BP MP and density) varry accordingly.

Chemical property

* it is strong acid

* it convert blue Litmus to red .

* with AɡNO₃ , HCl ɡives a white precipitate soluble in ammonium hydroxide and insoluble in HNO3 .

HCl + AɡNO₃ → AɡCl + HNO₃

AɡCl + 2NH₄OH →Aɡ(NH₃)cl + 2H₂O


The Chloride and precipitated with silver mercurous and lead salt. it is oxidised by oxidising agent chlorine is liberated.

Pharmaceutical Uses 

* it is used as acidifying agent by example a chlorhydria (absence are HCL from stomach juice)

* It is used for production of organic or inorganic compound.

* It is used for removing metal stain and cleaning stone.

* it is used for purification of table Salt and pH control.




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