Boric acid : Occurance , physical property , chemical property , preparation , chemical incompatibility , Uses.


Boric acid ( H₃BO₃)      

Boric acid is a weak inorganic compound.

Occurance or source

 Boric acid occurs naturally in volcanic areas, and in certain minerals such as borax (as sassolite). It is also found in sea water, plants, and fruits in small amounts.

Physical property

It is white crystalline solid with a density of 1.435 g/ml .

*Melting point - 170.9 ℃

*Boiling point - 300 ℃

Chemical property

It is weak monobasic acid and is considered a Lewis acid.
 its associated with boiling water and in an anhydrous H₂SO₄. 
When heated to hiɡh temperature over 170 degrees celsius it undergoes dehydration to form metaboric acid.

  H₃BO₃ → HBO₂ + H₂O


It is prepared by reacting mineral such as borax (Na₂B₄O₇.5H₂O) with a mixture of concentrated  sulphuric acid and water is added to a hot aquas solution of borax the hot solution filtered; cool and crystallized then boric acid is obtained.

Na₂B₄O₇.5H₂O + H₂SO₄→ Na₂SO₄ + 4H₃BO₃

Chemical incompatibility

 boric acid is a very weak acid and cannot be titrated accurately with alkali how ever it cannot be titrated accurately with a standard solution of strong alkali if glycerol is first added to be boric acid before titration.


* It is use as an ophthalmic preparation.

*It is use as a antiseptic.

* It is  used as a insecticide .

*it is used as a pH buffer.

* it is used as a industrial use.


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